The ODS items API allows users to get an item by id. This API does not use the search engine. Searching is therefore not enabled here. The items API fetches an item directly from the source which is why a key must be provided.
The source can be different depending on the type of the item that is requested. Therefore the type parameter must be provided. Each type can have another source system.
ODS-Item-Version: 2.0
Item versioning
The ODS API supports item versioning. Based on the value for the version, the JSON result is returned differently.
By default, ODS supports 2 versions, the current one and the previous one.
To define the version, add a header parameter ODS-Item-Version.
The version should be of format {Major.Minor}
The current version is: 2.0
The previous version is: 1.0
Note: This header variable is required and it is recommended to use the latest available version of the API.
The items API can have multiple parameters specified, some of them must be in the URL, others can be passed in the body of the request depending on the action (GET or POST).
Following parameters must always be provided:
Different item types are supported in the ODS system. Each type can have a different source system. Providing the type is required for ODS the fetch the item from the right source.
Currently ODS supports following types:
The key value must always be provided as it uniquely identifies the item. The format of this key depends on the type that is chosen. An asset can have another key format than a product for example.
Currently ODS only supports assets. The asset key format should be a GUID and looks like 15e99210-f1e4-45e2-8d6b-422df70750a8
. The key can either be fetched from a search result in the search API or can be looked up in the original source system.
Partitions are not supported for assets. The endpoint without the partition parameter should be used when requesting assets.